2020 and Beyond!


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Our collective spidey senses have worked overtime in 2020....and understandably so! As we neared the end of 2020, many cried stanzas of “good riddance!”….again, understandably so! 2020 has been a year unlike any in our lifetime, yet I would be remiss to think that there wasn’t any good in 2020! 

While it had been a really tough year personally, I have found some powerful victories and moments of grace in 2020! As believers in “the God of Hope” (Romans 15:13), I believe it is important that we set our minds (or continually renew our mind) to find good in situations and project hope into bleak situations, be it ours or others!

Some of the things I enjoyed in 2020 include: 

    • More people washing their hands and using hand sanitizer…this is a big win! Why weren’t we collectively doing this prior to? I’m not sure…but I’m happy we started in 2020!
    • Curbside pickup for pizza (I hope this never goes away.)
    • The documentary on the 72-win Chicago Bulls.
    • The Miami Heat going to the NBA Finals!

Your 2020 Miami Heat - Eastern Conference Champs!


While these were great things, I began to wonder if there was a positive in the attitudes and outlook of people, especially within the Body of Christ! So in January 2021, I reached out to a few friends as well as mentors and asked them the following question:

“Is there a unique outlook, mindset, attitude or confession of faith that you’re seen among Christians in 2020 that you’d like to see moving forward?"

I was really encouraged by their answers, so I thought to share it here! I think you’ll be encouraged as well:

If these responses spoke to you, do me a favor and check out my friends' websites and social media pages. Their wisdom, the heart each of them carries, and their respective ministries' will bless you tremendously, as it has to me!

Now its your turn! “Is there a unique outlook, mindset, attitude or confession of faith that you’re seen among Christians in 2020 that you’d like to see moving forward?" 

Leave your thoughts and response in the comment box below! 

(Also, anyone missing Two Minute Tuesday? Just wondering 😊 )


Last modified: March 8, 2021

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